
Thursday, December 26, 2019

learn about and join the Midwest Migration Network

About the Midwest Migration Network

The Midwest Migration Network (MMN) facilitates regionally-coordinated migration monitoring and research to address information gaps in the Midwest. Although focused primarily on landbirds, the Network welcomes anyone interested in advancing the study of the migratory ecology of birds and other animals in the Midwest. For the purposes of our Network, the Midwest region includes the states of Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio and Wisconsin (U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Region 3).
Interested in joining the MMN? Learn more about membership.

Our Projects


The Midwest Migration Network focuses on three research initiatives: Banding & Ground Surveys, Radar Ornithology, and Telemetry. The goal of each initiative is to coordinate a regional understanding of migration through a shared research methodology designed to promote conservation of the Network's partner-generated Focal Species by answering its priority Research Questions.

Learn more at our website: