
Monday, May 27, 2024

Shade-grown coffee benefits birds, forests & people in Venezuela The Aves y Cafe program in Venezuela aids rural communities by encouraging community-centered shade coffee agroforestry, while protecting rare and migrating birds. The project has so far succeeded in protecting 415 hectares (1,025 acres) of montane forest, ensuring the survival of threatened endemic and migratory bird species. Through empowering local smallholders, the program is enhancing livelihoods, promoting biodiversity conservation and safeguarding crucial ecological corridors, including carbon sequestration.

Monday, April 22, 2024

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Permits for Incidental Take of Eagles and Eagle Nests

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

WBCP Issues Papers

Members of the Issues Committee of the Wisconsin Bird Conservation Partnership have prepared a series of “Issues Papers” to provide information for WBCP partners and the public. These documents contain an overview of of the topics and sections covering WBCP Goals, Research Findings in Wisconsin and Elsewhere, Recommended Actions, Additional Research Needs, Links, and Additional Literature. See more at