Learn about the work of The Midwest Coordinated Bird Monitoring Partnership by going to:
"The Partnership is a regional network committed to informed bird conservation decisions
through enhanced coordination and exchange of monitoring information.
Since 2009, we have been accomplishing these goals through regular
workshops, an interactive website, registry of Midwest bird monitoring
programs, focused working groups, and a state-of-the-art system for data
management and decision support."
By Wm. Mueller - - Ornithology, ecology, environmentalism, and our life in the natural world
Sunday, August 30, 2015
Sunday, August 16, 2015
Now is the time to help count chimney swifts
Now is time to help count chimney swifts
on evening phenomenon may help protect a declining species
WI – That “smoke” pouring into brick chimneys in coming weeks isn’t an optical
illusion but likely hundreds of native chimney swifts roosting for the night
and gathering strength and numbers before they migrate south, all the way to
the Amazon.
bird experts are asking homeowners, bird watchers and others to help count the
birds and report where they see them to provide vital information on a
declining, unique species.
swifts are an important species in Wisconsin because they help keep flying
insect populations in check,” says Kim Grveles, Department of Natural Resources
avian ecologist and a member of the Wisconsin Chimney Swift Working Group. “We
need citizens’ help in counting the birds near them, and in reporting that
information to us so we can better understand and take steps to hopefully
reverse the decline of chimney swifts.”
don’t have to be an experienced bird watcher or trained researcher to enjoy the
evening acrobatic displays of the swift,” says Nancy Nabak, co-chair of Green
Bay's Swift Night Out program and member of the Wisconsin Chimney Swift Working
Group. “The sight of dozens or hundreds or, in some cases, thousands of chimney
swifts going to roost for the night in chimneys can be an exhilarating
Wisconsin Chimney Swift Working Group formed in 2012 to help identify and
protect important swift roost sites, encourage or conduct field research on
swifts and their ecology, and educate the public about the species in order to
encourage action to halt the species’ decline. “Modern construction often
doesn’t include chimneys, and chimneys are critical as nest sites and for
communal roosting for non-nesting swifts. We want to encourage the public to
keep suitable chimneys uncapped to provide habitat for these amazing birds,”
says Sandy Schwab, chair of the working group.
2012, 60 volunteers helped identify 72 chimney swift roosting sites across several
urban areas, with even more areas being monitored in 2013. In 2012, the largest
roost was found at Cherokee Middle School in Madison, where more than 2,800
swifts were tallied. Aldo Leopold School in Green Bay, St. Norbert Abbey in
DePere, and Geneva Lake Museum in Lake Geneva are sites of other large roosts.
[Video footage of chimney swifts at Cherokee Middle
School in Madison by Dane County’s Four Lakes Wildlife Center.]
swifts nest in eastern North America in the summer and migrate to South America
in the fall. Before European settlement, the birds nested in old-growth
forests. As such forests disappeared, the birds discovered brick chimneys
served as an easy and abundant replacement, Schwab says. Brick chimneys work
well for the birds because the chimneys provide enclosed areas with a rough,
vertical surface the birds can cling to, much like a hollow tree. Unlike most
birds, chimney swifts do not perch on branches or other horizontal surfaces but
must use the sharp nails on their tiny feet to cling to vertical surfaces.
years their populations have been in decline, and in 2009 Canada listed them as
a threatened species. Why are they declining?
No one knows for sure, but scientists want to conduct more research on
the insects chimney swifts eat to better understand if changes in flying insect
populations, possibly driven by widespread pesticide use, might be adversely
affecting chimney swifts and other “aerial insectivores” such as
whip-poor-wills, nighthawks, and swallows.
Tips on how and where to look for chimney swifts
swifts have slender bodies, very long, narrow, curved wings and short, tapered
tails. They fly rapidly, with nearly constant wing beats, often twisting from
side to side and banking erratically. They often give a distinctive, high-pitched
chattering call while they are in flight, said Bill Mueller of the Western
Great Lakes Bird and Bat Observatory, Belgium, WI, and an advisor to the
working group.
lot of folks see and hear them in the evening and don’t realize they’re birds,”
he said. “They think they’re bats.”
chimney swifts congregate in communal roosts before migrating in late
summer/fall, it's relatively easy to count them. Here's how to count:
- Look for tall brick chimneys that are uncapped. Watch to see where swifts are feeding and congregating. Pick one or more nights from early August in northern Wisconsin through mid- to late September in southern Wisconsin. Observe the roost starting about 30 minutes before sunset until 10 minutes after the last swift enters the chimney. Count (or estimate) the number of swifts as they enter the chimney. It’s useful to count in groups of five or 10 birds at a time when many birds pour into the chimney in a short period of time.
- Send in data (see link to attached data sheet) one of two quick and easy ways.
- Enter the data on eBird. Go to the ebird-quick-start-guide (exit DNR). When prompted for location, map your roost site to an exact address or point. Include, in the “Chimney Swift” comments section, general weather conditions, time when the first and last swifts entered the roost and type of building -- residence, school, church, business, etc.
- Or send the same information as above along with your name, address, email address, date and exact time of your survey at the roost to Sandy Schwab, 105 S. Marietta St., Verona, WI 53593 or sschwab49@gmail.com
information about chimney swifts and how to help protect them can be found on
the Wisconsin Chimney Swift Working Group website http://www.wiswifts.org/
(exit DNR).
MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: Kim Grveles, DNR, 608-264-8594; Sandy Schwab,
Wisconsin Chimney Swift Working Group, 608-658-4139
Thursday, August 6, 2015
new 2015 Shorebird Map for Wisconsin
Thanks to Mike Schlotfeldt for his work on updating the 2015 Shorebird Map -- find it at: http://wglbbo.org/2015-shorebird-map
We will be updating it periodically throughout the fall.William Mueller
Director, Western Great Lakes Bird and Bat Observatory
WGLBBO online: wglbbo.org
office 262-285-3374
cell 414-698-9108
Belgium, WI
cell 414-698-9108
Tuesday, August 4, 2015
help re-authorize the Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Act (NMBCA)
Go to https://secure2.convio.net/abcb/site/Advocacy?cmd=display&page=UserAction&id=215 to let Congress know you want them to re-authorize the Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Act (NMBCA).
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