
Friday, December 30, 2016

status of and monitoring of aerial insectivores in Ontario

Learn about what's happening with swifts and swallows in Ontario, and studies underway, by going to:

" Is the sky falling? Probably not, but the birds that spend their time up there are certainly telling us something is wrong. Swallows, swifts, and nightjars are "aerial insectivores" - birds that specialize on eating flying insects. They spend most of their time flying overhead. Over the last 40 years, aerial insectivores have undergone steeper declines than any other group of birds in Canada."

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Conservation Research at the Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center

Go to the website of the Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center to learn about the Conservation Research they are conducting:

Among other species, Wood Thrush is one of their areas of focus:
"Wood Thrush was once a common bird throughout North America, well-known for its beautiful flute-like song. Despite substantial conservation efforts, the charismatic species has steadily declined over the past 25 years. SMBC scientists are working to untangle which factors negatively impact wood thrush on public lands. Our scientists are helping the Department of Defense develop proactive management plans and hopefully mitigate wood thrush population declines."

Thursday, December 8, 2016

IUCN Red List - a mix of bad news and good news for endangered birds

"This year’s IUCN Red List update delivers a chilling warning about the plight faced by some of the world’s most popular cagebirds, with many much-loved species now being trapped and traded into near-extinction in the wild."

and some good news:

"The 2016 Red List also delivered some encouraging news from far-flung islands all across the globe.
Birds confined to just a single island or archipelago are some of the most at-risk species in the world, not only because their range is so small, but because they are often ill-equipped to face the threats of predators such as cats and rats when they are introduced to the island. For this reason, a big percentage of existing avian extinctions are island endemics.However, a deluge of downlistings in this year’s Red List shows that conservation work can help struggling island populations to rebound."

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

The Birding Community E-Bulletin - Dec 2016

The Birding Community E-Bulletin
The Birding Community E-bulletin is distributed to active and concerned birders, those dedicated to the joys of birding and the protection of birds and their habitats.
You can access an archive of past E-bulletins on the website of the National Wildlife Refuge Association (NWRA):

On 30 October, Raul Delgado photographed an Amazon Kingfisher at Zacate Creek in Laredo, Texas. Readers with a good memory may remember that the first North American record of Amazon Kingfisher was in 2010, also in Laredo. That female kingfisher stayed just over a week before disappearing in early February. It was the rarity of the month at the time:
Interestingly, the Amazon Kingfisher found at the end of October was at the same exact spot on Zacate Creek. Could she be the very same bird? Perhaps, if not most likely.
In any case, this year's Amazon Kingfisher remained for the entire month of November, mostly frequenting a stretch of the creek between the local dam and a water-treatment facility, delighting many observers throughout its prolonged stay. In fact, there were so many visitors that the City of Laredo erected a yellow-tape boundary barrier to keep bird watchers out of the immediate creek area.
Amazon Kingfishers normally ranges from Mexico (no closer than southern Tamaulipas) to Argentina and Uruguay. The Amazon Kingfisher is the largest "green" kingfisher in the Americas.
For a photo of the bird taken by Raul Delgado and to gain further details, see here:
On the subject of the possibility of repeat appearances by rare birds, there was also a male Common Scoter found and photographed at Siletz Bay National Wildlife Refuge in Lincoln County, Oregon, on 13 November. Later in the day, the bird moved to the Schooner Creek overlook in Taft in southern Lincoln City. For the rest of the month, the local Mo's Restaurant, the Siletz Bay mouth, and a nearby bridge became the best landmarks from which to locate this Old World rarity.
We mention this bird for two reasons. First, it was a major contender for our E-Bulletin rarity of the month, since it is only the second Common Scoter to ever be found in North America. And second, it was found only about 250 miles up the coast from where the first Common Scoter was found in 2015. See here for details on that original Crescent City, California, bird:
On the other side of the country, in Rivière Brochu, Gallix, Quebec, located on the north shore of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, an immature Common Shelduck was photographed on 25 November and refound in the area on 30 November. This species' status has long been confounded by the possibility of escapes from collections, but like some other Eurasian waterfowl (e.g., Pink-footed, Barnacle, and Graylag Geese), Common Shelduck is increasing in Europe, including Iceland. Recent early-winter records for eastern Canada and New England increasingly suggest a need for careful evaluation.
And finally, at Scituate Reservoir in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, an unusual-looking dabbling duck was found on 23 November. It remained a few days, and it exhibited many characteristics of an Eastern Spot-billed Duck, including a strong facial pattern and a yellow-tipped dark bill. It was also paler in color than nearby female Mallards and it had white undertail coverts, which unfortunately pointed away from Eastern Spot-billed Duck.
The fact that Eastern Spot-billed Duck has only been seen in North America in Alaska, mainly in the Aleutians, added to the improbability of this species occurring in eastern North America. Of course, strange things have happened with waterfowl - note the story on Common Scoter, above - and the provenance of such birds should always be carefully considered.
The mystery duck had no apparent collection-band on its leg. Still, a quick search online showed that the closely related Indian Spot-billed Duck is sold to wildfowl collectors (with at least one supplier in New York). Perhaps an escape with some interbreeding with Mallard cannot be discounted.
One of the lessons here is that there are plenty of "odd ducks" out there still to be found, including hybrids and bona fide rarities. This is also and ideal season to discover them, so keep your eyes open and keep looking!
In October, we discussed the debate in Canada over designating an official Canadian bird:
Over the past two years, nearly 50,000 Canadians voted for their favorite species in the National Bird Project, an effort by Canadian Geographic, in partnership with Bird Studies Canada, to help select an appropriate avian emblem for Canada.

Once the voting results and thousands of comments were considered, the Royal Canadian Geographical Society made its official recommendation at its College of Fellows Annual Dinner on 16 November. A feature story about the national bird recommendation also appeared in the December 2016 issue of Canadian Geographic, and the final choice of Gray Jay appears on the cover of the magazine:
The Canadian Parliament might eventually address national-bird designation of Gray Jay, with an official bird for Canada being selected in 2017, Canada's sesquicentennial year.
If you simply glance at National Park Roads: A Legacy in the American Landscape by Timothy Davis (University of Virginia Press, 2016), you might think it's just another "coffee-table book" full of impressive photos of the scenic roads through our National Parks. While it is certainly a collection of beautiful historic photos, it is also much more.
Beyond the classic size, the pretty cover, and the assortment of captivating photos, this book offers a deep look into the surprising and unique quality and history of National Park roads, roads targeted at bringing the public to scenic and wonderful locations, but at the same time challenged by the obligation to preserve the character of these very same places.

A mixture of enthusiasm and apprehension has always been part of the reception of automobiles in National Parks, and this book carefully addresses this dichotomy. Instead of arguing for the primacy of a particular view, the book shows how road development responded to practical concerns, evolving technology, social practice, wilderness advocates, and cultural demands. Readers may also want to pay special attention to the "Golden Age" of National Park road-building, the period that stretched between the two World Wars, and uniquely punctuated by the work of the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) in the 1930s.
As we witness the closing of the National Park Service's centennial, this lovely book provides a healthy discussion about spreading the benefits of the outdoors in order to embrace a diverse American public. The book should serve as an important resource for years to come.
Although National Park Roads barely mentions birds, it is nonetheless a book full of important lessons for all Americans. Indeed, a read of this work is a verification of the old adage that you can't tell a book by its cover.
Our usual "Access Matters" feature this month consists of a simple suggestion: Re-read the "Book Note" above in light of the larger question of balancing preservation and access in natural areas! By that, we mean not only focusing on the National Parks featured in the Davis book, but also on National Wildlife Refuges, National Forests, BLM lands, and state and county parks and wildlife properties and their connection to providing quality outdoor experiences to an increasingly preoccupied American public.
Tim Davis posits this issue very well at the beginning of his book, and his comments can be expanded to consider access beyond the world of National Parks: "For many people, what they see from the road is the national park experience... but for some people, simply knowing roads are present compromises parks' ability to function as escapes from modern civilization."
Indeed, access matters, and how to deliver that access in a welcoming and instructive manner is an issue that should concern and involve anyone with an interest and a concern for our beautiful country and its many outdoor resources.
Since the previous two news items are related to roads in National Parks, it is appropriate to mention one such park that is an Important Bird Area (IBA) of continental significance. This park was actually highlighted in distressing national news toward the end of November.
The most-visited of our national parks is Great Smoky Mountains National Park, attracting more than 10 million visitors annually - about twice the number of the second most popular park. Most visitors see the park from its famous scenic highway, although many also hike on the 800 miles of park trails extending across the border between North Carolina and Tennessee.  The park covers over 800 square miles and is divided almost equally between these two states.
Parts of the Tennessee section of the park were subject to wildfires starting in late November. More than 17,000 people had to flee as the wildfires blazed through and around the park. The fires are said to have damaged or destroyed more than 1,600 homes and businesses, mostly around Gatlinburg, Tennessee. The tragic loss of human life went over a dozen, with more than 130 people injured. Over 11,300 acres in the park itself were burned in this, the most-visited national park in the country.
The Great Smoky Mountains National Park is one of the largest protected areas in the eastern U.S., and approximately a fifth of the park comprises old-growth forest and represents the largest tract of old-growth forest in the southern Appalachians. The park supports 230 species of birds, with 110 species breeding in the park. This IBA supports among the highest diversity of breeding Neotropical migratory birds of any area in the U.S. It also likely holds the largest concentration of Northern Saw-whet Owls in the southeast, and the majority of the Black-capped Chickadees residing in the Blue Ridge. It is also one of the best sites in the southern Appalachians for Olive-sided Flycatchers. In short, the park holds substantial populations of listedWatchlist species and species of concern.
For more information on this IBA that s is located in both Tennessee and North Carolina, see the two web pages which describe the IBA in both states, respectively:
For additional information about worldwide IBA programs, including those in the U.S., check the National Audubon Society's Important Bird Area program web site at:
During the first two weeks of December, the 13th Conference of the Parties of the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP) will be meeting in Cancun, Mexico. The COP was signed in 1992 at the Rio Earth Summit - The UN Conference on Environment and Development. Today the COP has 196 Parties, ostensibly committed to the conservation of biological diversity, the sustainable use of its components, and the sharing of the related benefits. The U.S. is not a signatory, however.
The COP actions are focused on 20 targets, with goals developed for the member countries, including most of the other countries in the Western Hemisphere.  This information is contained in a 2010 Strategic Plan for Biodiversity (2011-2020).
To date, and with only four years remaining, participant nations have been far from successful in fulfilling their biological commitments. As spokespersons from BirdLife International have reminded us, agriculture in too many countries continues to poison habitats with heavy loads of pollutants, to contaminate rivers, and to kill insects that literally pollinate national culture; offshore fisheries are annually killing dozens of thousands of seabirds; and governments are spending millions of dollars in subsidies for unsustainable productions that destroy nature. It is no accident that a global conservation community feels less than encouraged by so many past promises that lack corresponding effective actions.
At the same time, the COP meeting will provide opportunities to discuss successes in the areas of bird-favorable production in such sectors as energy production, cattle breeding, fisheries, and sustainable agriculture. Fortunately, some participants are seriously working on less conversation and a lot more action.
You can read a summary of what is at stake from BirdLife International:
Yes, it's that time of year, and if you have not yet bought all your holiday gifts, it's a good time to consider some that are bird-and-nature oriented. With that in mind we have a few suggestions.
First, we suggest you consider any of the books mentioned in the past year in the E-bulletin under our "Book Notes" features. There should be something and a price for everyone:
Ecology and Conservation of North American Sea Ducks - a heavy-duty treatment edited by five experts
Better Birding - friendly skill-building by George L. Armistead and Brian L. Sullivan
Baby Birds - informative and ultra-cute by Julie Zickefoose,
The Kiskadee of Death - a birder-murder mystery by Jan Dunlop
Bird Families of the World: A Guide to the Spectacular Diversity of Birds - an elegant   compendium by David Winkler, Shawn Billerman, and Irby Lovette
Woodpeckers of North America - a handsome reference by Stephen A. Shunk
Listening to a Continent Sing: Birdsong by Bicycle from the Atlantic to the Pacific - a ten-week bicycle journey by Don Kroodsma
Cat Wars - investigating a cuddly killer by Peter Marra and Chris Santella
Field Guide to Birds of Northern Central America - a tight and informative guide by Jesse Fagan and Oliver Komar
National Park Roads - much more than a coffee-table book by Tim Davis
You might also consider buying a bird-feeder (along with accompanying quality seed) for that relative or neighbor just getting interested in birds.
Think about binoculars for some youngster in your life. We are suggesting a quality pair, not just compact binoculars, which have smaller objective lenses, and which are often dimmer and difficult to use when trying to locate a bird in the binoculars. And remember, you also don't have to break the bank to find good binoculars for youngsters these days.
Think about giving bags of bird-friendly coffee as gifts. Look around for triple-labeled brands, combining shade-grown, organic, and fair-traded features. The coffee tastes great, and it can start up great conversations about impacting bird conservation through regular shopping.
Consider a Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation Stamp - a "Duck Stamp" - to help build the Refuge System and to serve as a free pass for all NWRs that may charge for entry through June.
And, finally, in light of our next story.... Give an organizational gift membership, one dedicated to saving and appreciating America's wild birds, wildlife, and wild places. The list of such organizations is long enough for us to refrain from making particular suggestions. Readers should seek out the ones that match the message you wish to deliver.
Don't think you will get to finish reading the Birding Community E-bulletin without some reference to last month's Presidential election. No such luck!
After an extended and even brutal campaign, Donald Trump will soon become our 45th President of the United States. Ever since Election Day, the media has followed every Trump Twitter, every important visitation to the Trump Tower, and every piece of speculation about divisions in the internal Trump camp.
Top of the list, perhaps, has been the expected appointments for the incoming Administration. As of this writing, we have reports of intended cabinet and other related appointments for Treasury Secretary, Transportation Secretary, Health and Human Services Secretary, Commerce Secretary, Education Secretary, U.N. Ambassador, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, Defense Secretary, CIA Director, Attorney General, National Security Advisor, White House Chief of Staff, and Chief Strategist.
Needless to say, these are very important posts for the country and for the incoming Administration. Regrettably the cabinet selections for positions that may be of particular significance and interest to readers of the Birding Community E-bulletin have yet to be released. These include the Secretary of the Interior, Secretary of Agriculture, and Environmental Protection Agency Administrator.
Not surprisingly leaders from conservation and environmental arenas are anxiously waiting for these selected appointments to be made, essentially waiting for "the other shoes to drop." 
The Secretary of the Interior is responsible for the protection of much of the nation's federal lands and waters (e.g., Refuges, National Parks, Monuments, and BLM), as well as the conservation of wildlife and plant species. Among other things, our next Secretary of the Interior could decide the fate of Obama-era rules that stop public land development; curb the exploration of oil, coal, and gas; and promote wind and solar power on public lands.
The Secretary of Agriculture oversees America's farming industry, inspects food quality, and provides income-based food assistance. The department helps develop vital land-oriented conservation on private farmlands, including long-term easements. Agriculture also has jurisdiction over our valued National Forests.
The Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, is responsible for issuing and overseeing environmental regulations, especially concerning clean air and water, a difficult job for any Administrator with an incoming President who has tentatively vowed to dismantle the agency "in almost every form."
These three key positions, of course require Senate confirmation, and everyone anticipates close scrutiny of individuals appointed to these posts.
Nature has the potential to bring the American people together, something desperately needed during these difficult days. There was a time when most environmental issues were not particularly divisive. In fact, they were not simply bi-partisan; they were almost non-partisan.
Fortunately, during his campaign, Mr. Trump at least stated that he would not support the larger GOP platform to sell off public lands, and that itself is hopeful. Moreover, if President-elect Trump is sincerely committed to bringing our nation together, as he stated in his election victory speech, then quality appointments to these particular positions will go a long way to achieving that desired unifying effect.


You can access all the past E-bulletins on the National Wildlife Refuge Association (NWRA) website:
If you wish to distribute or reproduce all or parts of any Birding Community E-bulletin, we simply request that you mention the source of any material used. (Include a URL for the E-bulletin archives, if possible.)

If you have colleagues who might be interested in this month's E-bulletin, you can most efficiently forward the E-bulletin to them using the "Forward email" feature on the bottom of this page. This retains the clearest text and presentation formatting.

Also, if you have any friends or co-workers who want to get onto the monthly E-bulletin mailing list, they can also simply contact either:
            Wayne R. Petersen
            Director, Massachusetts Important Bird Areas (IBA) Program
            Mass Audubon
            Paul J. Baicich
            Great Birding Projects           

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Friday, November 25, 2016

a practical thing you can do for birds

Go to  to learn more about Cornell's Yardmap program, and practical conservation in your back yard.

If you enter your zipcode, you'll get resources on native plants, plant hardiness information, a pollinator guide, connecting to local experts, and more.

I entered my own zipcode as an example:

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

reality: the 6th great extinction has arrived

Apapane. Wikim. Commons - ph by Dominic Sherony

Bill Laurance & Paul Ehrlich tell us that the Earth's 6th great extinction is already upon us. "We must also reverse the destruction and fragmentation of key wildlife habitats, constrain our over-consumption of natural resources, stabilise human numbers - and elect leaders determined to prioritise these issues."

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Deepwater Horizon oil spill still affecting birds

"Scientists have identified the first evidence of Deepwater Horizon oil in a land animal - the Seaside Sparrow. The scientists analyzed the diet and feathers of sparrows collected more than a year after the oil spill. The birds that were captured in habitats that were exposed to the oil had a different chemical signature in their tissues than the birds that were found in areas of the marsh that were not exposed to the oil."

Learn more about this at:

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

recent news and updates from the American Bird Conservancy

Inside Bird Conservation – November 2016

Special Edition on Eliminating Threats to Birds

Communications Towers

Following years of effort by ABC and partners, bird conservationists now have an opportunity to greatly reduce one frequent source of bird mortality. Steady-burning red or white lights on communication towers attract or disorient migratory birds flying at night. As many as 7 million birds a year die in collisions with towers and support wires as a result, with the tallest towers causing the highest mortality. New policies put in place by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) allow tower operators to turn off these deadly lights.

These federal agencies are encouraging a switch to flashing lights, which reduces bird mortality by approximately 70 percent, saves electricity, reduces tower operating costs, and better alerts pilots to the towers’ presence. As of mid-October, 753 tall towers (over 350 feet high) nationwide have already updated their lighting systems under the new guidelines. The changeover requires simply flipping switches to reprogram the lights.

Another 15,000 tall towers still need to make this bird and energy-saving change. Thanks to the FCC and FAA and the support of the University of Michigan, ABC now has available a toolkit for activists to encourage tower operators to update their lights. A technical guide to assist tower operators is also available. Please take a look around your community; if there are tall towers with steady-burning lights, you can take a few simple steps that will protect birds and save energy.  

Public Lands

American Bird Conservancy Statement on the Malheur Occupation Verdict

American Bird Conservancy respects the judicial process but is deeply troubled by the outcome of the Malheur case. Armed occupation of public lands sets a dangerous precedent. It puts our ecologically valuable wildlife at risk and disrespects the men and women charged with protecting our natural resources.

“The occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge was an affront to the millions of Americans who love birds and the public lands that provide bird habitat, and to federal employees for trying to do their jobs,” said ABC President George Fenwick. “National Wildlife Refuges are important for birds and other wildlife, and for the nearby communities that benefit from tourism generated by wildlife watching, hunting, and fishing. We need to honor these lands, and the public servants that act​ as our stewards, and make every effort to prevent small groups of armed extremists from taking them over for themselves what belongs to all Americans.”

Open Pipes

In a significant step forward this year, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has taken action to reduce a serious threat to birds by issuing a memorandum in late February to its field offices across the nation with guidance on how to eliminate the threat of open pipes on public lands (Instruction Memorandum No. 2016-023). The memo also encourages federal claim holders to voluntarily remove open pipes often used as mine claim monuments.

American Bird Conservancy built upon this memo to write a letter this month to all 17,843 federal mine claim holders to ask for their help in saving the thousands of birds that accidentally get trapped in open pipes and die each year.  The National Mining Association, Northwest Mining Association, Forest Service, and BLM teamed up with American Bird Conservancy to create a flier explaining the threat to birds and other wildlife that open pipes create, and this was included in the mailing.

Invasive Species

Domestic cats can make wonderful pets. But outdoors, cats are a non-native and invasive species that threaten birds and other wildlife, disrupt ecosystems, and spread diseases. Now numbering well over 100 million in the United States, cats kill approximately 2.4 billion birds every year in the U.S. alone, making cat predation by far the largest human-caused mortality threat to birds. ABC’s Cats Indoors Program educates the public and policy makers about the many benefits to birds, cats, and people when cats are maintained indoors or under an owner's direct control. In addition to advocating for responsible pet ownership, we also oppose Trap, Neuter, Release (TNR) for feral cats because of the persistent and severe threats posed by feral cat colonies. Take the pledge to keep cats from roaming outdoors.

In the last five years, ABC has distributed more than 100,000 brochures to concerned citizens, veterinarians, and conservation groups, helping to spread the word that cats, birds, and people are better off when cats are kept indoors. Order brochures.

New Colony of Chicks Keeps Hope Alive for Rare Newell's Shearwater

To counter the threat of predation by non-native mammals, ABC and Hawaiian conservationists have begun to establish a new nesting site for rare Newell's Shearwater (‘A‘o) and Hawaiian Petrel (‘Ua‘u). This year, chicks of both species were moved to a new, predator-proof colony at Kilauea Point National Wildlife Refuge. Last month, the restoration team moved eight threatened Newell's Shearwater chicks, flying them by helicopter from their montane nesting areas to their new home at the refuge. Both species are endemic to Hawai‘i and breed nowhere else in the world. Last week, the second cohort of 20 Hawaiian Petrel chicks were moved to the predator-proof site.

Window Collisions

Watch a new video PSA from ABC that calls attention to bird collisions and showcases creative—and attractive—ways to help. 

The Vassar Bridge Science complex, which is on the cover of Bird-friendly Building Design, opened this May. ABC’s Christine Sheppard was involved with the building’s design, which is intended to qualify for the LEED collisions reduction credit. Please see for products for home and professional solutions that reduce bird collisions.


In the past, an incident reporting system, or public database of wildlife poisonings, helped conservationists identify the deadliest pesticides. Many of the deadliest organochlorine-based chemicals are now off the market as a result. Unfortunately, the EPA’s reporting system is now broken, but efforts are underway to fix it. The agency’s incident data system suffers from absurdly high reporting triggers and thresholds, confusing incident-submission portals, minimal public access to data, and a lack of coordination with other federal agencies. The current system has unrealistically high threshold numbers of dead animals needed to trigger reporting requirements under FIFRA 6(a)2. For birds, no specific reports are required unless 200 of a “flocking” species, 50 songbirds, or five raptors are killed. Here are some recent recommendations on incident reporting from ABC and partners. 

Wind Energy
Camp Perry: American Bird Conservancy (ABC) and Black Swamp Bird Observatory (BSBO) have filed a 60-day notice of intent to sue the Ohio Air National Guard (ANG) for violations of the Endangered Species Act and other federal laws in the course of planning to build a large wind turbine at its Camp Perry facility in Ottawa County, Ohio. Close to the shores of Lake Erie, the site lies within a major bird migration corridor and would be the first wind energy development on public land in this ecologically sensitive area. In a letter, the two groups assert that ANG has unlawfully compromised and short-circuited the environmental review process for the Camp Perry wind facility. ABC has also commented on numerous inappropriately sited wind projects.
Power Lines

BLM chooses transmission line routes that avoid private land, sage grouse habitat

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) chose routes for the Gateway West high-power transmission line that avoid private land, sage-grouse habitat, and the Morley Nelson Snake River Birds of Prey National Conservation Area. The routes have been a source of controversy with residents critical of previous plans that sought primarily to avoid the Birds of Prey area. Idaho State BLM Director Tim Murphy said the agency had to ensure the area received “a heightened level of protection and care.” 

“Another important effort we’ve undertaken is working with the state and other essential partners to protect high-quality sage grouse habitat throughout Southern Idaho,” Murphy said. “The routes we have selected honor both of these priorities while also providing a path forward for this important project.” 

Read the full story from The Idaho Statesman, October 6, 2016 (reprinted from Your Public Lands, BLM's new E-Newsletter).

Mosquitoes and Avian Disease in Hawai‘i

Hawai‘i is the bird extinction capital of the world, and avian malaria and pox were one of the major factors in the wave of extinctions that occurred around the start of the 20th century. There is a strong negative association between Hawaiian passerines, which are mostly confined to the cooler, higher elevations, and the disease-vector system, which is limited to the warmer, lower elevations. As global climate change increases temperatures and alters rainfall patterns, the mosquito-disease zone will expand upward in elevation, thereby increasing the transmission risk to the remaining bird species and causing another wave of extinctions.

Recent advances in biotechnology hold exciting promise for potentially resolving this decades-long conservation crisis. There are now multiple techniques for modifying, suppressing, or even eliminating mosquito populations to prevent the transfer of avian diseases. Most of these techniques have been limited to small field tests or confined to the laboratory, but within the next few years there is the potential for these techniques to be tested and applied at a larger, landscape scale. Some have already been used in other parts of the world to control mosquitoes to reduce the spread of dengue fever and other human diseases, or to control agricultural pests.

ABC has been actively involved in these discussions, and developing an overall strategy that includes extensive public engagement before any decisions are made or management actions taken. There were two sessions (12437 and 10599) focused on this issue at IUCN’s World Conservation Congress in Honolulu, followed by a two-day workshop on eliminating the non-native mosquitoes throughout the state. 

Longline Fisheries

The incidental capture of seabirds is a major threat to Albatross and other seabirds. ABC’s efforts to bring attention to the issue of albatross bycatch in North Pacific longline fisheries began in 2007, with a report on the status of this threat and highlighting effective mitigation actions. This work in part led to NOAA Fisheries making regulatory changes to increase use of bird-saving mitigation, including streamer lines and night setting and increased observer effort. As a result, albatross mortality in the North Pacific has dropped significantly.

ABC continues to ask Congress to approve the Agreement on the Conservation of Albatross and Petrels (ACAP), which would bring international mitigation for seabirds up to par with those already being employed by US fishermen. ABC is also providing information on bird-friendly and sustainable fisheries through providing tools, such as the Seabird Maps and Information for Fisheries Tool and guidance for seafood certification bodies in a new guide, Seabird Bycatch Solutions.  

Lead Poisoning

At IUCN’s World Conservation Congress in September, delegates approved a resolution to help reduce the needless poisoning of birds and other wildlife from lead ammunition. The resolution, A path forward to address concerns over the use of lead ammunition in hunting, encourages members to “promote, where feasible, the phasing out of lead shot used for hunting over wetlands and lead ammunition used for hunting in areas where scavengers are at particular risk from the use of lead ammunition, and the replacement of it with suitable alternatives.”

California Condors: Chick born in wild flies from nest at Pinnacles National Park for first time in a century. (East Bay Times)

Condor Country, launching this week for IOS and Android devices, is the first mobile game to simulate what it takes to recover an endangered species based on real-life conservation practices used by the California Condor Recovery Program. (Birding Wire)

To be removed from the list, send any message to:

Steve Holmer
Vice President of Policy
American Bird Conservancy &
Director, Bird Conservation Alliance