Nesting Chimney Swift: ph. USNPS, Wikim. Commons |
Learn about Chimney Swifts this fall - go the website of the WI Chimney Swift Working Group, at
http://www.wiswifts.org/videos-from-swift-night-out-events/ and see video of swifts at autumn roost locations.
Learn about Chimney Swift towers - replacements for capped chimneys:
In Wisconsin and other northern states, two things can help your tower to be more successful
insulation (Due to our frequently-cool spring weather, tower designs from southern states are often not sufficiently insulated. To offset this, add insulation in your tower design-and-build phase.)
use of playback recordings as an attractant (As with Purple Martins, starting a new colony/swift nesting site can be greatly aided by deploying a recording of swift vocalizations.)
Learn more at
WI Chimney Swift Working Group:
Facts about declining aerial insectivores:
Join the Midwest Aerial Insectivore Discussion Group, on Facebook: